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Chinese Proverb
In Brazil, there's a powerful word, 'saudade,' which encapsulates an emotional state of deep, melancholic longing for something or someone beloved yet absent.
For Brazilians residing in America, saudade often becomes an intrinsic part of their lives. It's not just a longing for what they've left behind but also a yearning for the people and places they hold dear. This sentiment resonates particularly with the children of Brazilian families born in the United States, for whom the tangible connection to their ancestors and their ancestral homeland might seem elusive. Yet, understanding your roots, knowing where you come from, and recognizing the stories of those who came before you can provide a profound sense of identity and purpose.
At Auriverde, we understand the importance of this connection. That's why we offer affordable consultations to assist families living in America in their quest to unearth their Brazilian ancestry. Our commitment to preserving this heritage is a fundamental part of our mission.
This valuable service is included with our membership package, which can be acquired by clicking here.
Embrace your roots, embark on a journey of discovery, and let your past illuminate your future.
João Teisen, his wife Francisca Caspar and their descendants. May 1935, Santo Amaro, São Paulo.